
The U.S.-China Institute offers an array of academic programs for students to study Chinese business, culture, history, language and society in the larger context of U.S.-China relations, global economy, and the 4th Industrial Revolution.

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Many of the programs offered by the U.S.-China Institute involve first-hand experience of Chinese culture and experiential learning, including study trips to China and real life face-to-face interactions with Chinese students and people.

The academic programs offer insights and perspectives about Chinese history, culture, language and society.  Through seminars and guided study tours, students, faculty, staff and community members can experience first-hand the many facets of China and U.S.- China relations.

The U.S.- China Institute also offers a range of academic and cultural resources, including a staff of China experts and a host of other resources.

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Zhuhai Exchange Programs

Serving as the liaison between Bryant Smithfield and Bryant Zhuhai, the U.S.-China Institute implements multiple exchange programs between the two campuses.

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Zhuhai Exchange Programs

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Research and Outreach

An image of the Terracotta warriors

Research and Outreach

The U.S.-China Institute creates opportunities for American and Chinese scholars and institutions to collaborate on research projects and academic programs through video conferences, online discussions, co-teaching, and site visits.

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